File Commands

ls --> Directory listing.

ls -al --> Formatted listing with hidden files.

ls *.sh --> list all the files having .sh extension.

ls -i --> list the files and directories with index numbers inodes.

ls -d */ --> list only directories.(we can also specify a pattern).

ls -lt --> Sorting the Formatted listing by time modification.

cd dir --> Change directory to dir.

cd --> Change to the home directory.

cd - --> Go to the last working directory.

cd .. --> change directory to one step back.

cd ../.. --> Change directory to 2 levels back.

pwd --> Show the current working directory.

mkdir dir --> Creating a directory dir.

cat >file -->Places the standard input into the file.

more file --> Output the contents of the file.

head file --> Output the first 10 lines of the file.

tail file --> Output the last 10 lines of the file.

tail -f file --> Output the contents of a file as it grows, starting with the last 10 lines.

touch file -->Create or update file.

rm file --> Deleting the file.

rm -r dir --> Deleting the directory.

rm -f file --> Force to remove the file.

rm -rf dir --> Force to remove the directory dir.

cp file1 file2 --> Copy the contents of file1 to file2.

cp -r dir1 dir2 --> Copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if not present.

Process management

ps --> To display the current working processes.

top --> Display all running processes.

kill pid --> Kill the process with given pid.

killall proc --> Kill all the process named proc.

pkill pattern --> Will kill all processes matching the pattern.

date --> Show the current date and time.

cal --> Show this month's calendar.

uptime --> Show current uptime.

w --> Display who is online.

whoami --> Who you are logged in as.

uname -a --> Show kernel information.

man --> command Show the manual for command.

df --> Show the disk usage.

du --> Show directory space usage.

free --> Show memory and swap usage.

whereis app --> Show possible locations of app.

⦁ which app --> Show which applications will be run by default.


grep pattern --> file Search for pattern in file.

grep -r pattern dir --> Search recursively for pattern in dir.

command | grep pattern --> Search pattern in the output of a command.

locate file --> Find all instances of file.

find . -name filename --> Searches in the current directory (represented by a period) and below it, for files and directories with names starting with filename.

File permission

r --> read permission

w --> write permission

x --> execute permission

chmod 777 filename --> Assign read, write, and execute permission to everyone.

chmod -R 777 dirname --> Assign full permission to the directory and all sub- directories.

chmod 766 filename --> Assign full permission to the owner, and read and write permission to group and others.

chown username filename --> Change the ownership of a file.

chrgp groupname filename --> Change group ownership of a file.

User Management Commands

sudo useradd username --> To add a new user.

sudo passwd -l username --> To change the password of a user.

sudo userdel -r username --> To remove a newly created user.

sudo usermod -a -G groupname username --> To add a user to a group.

sudo userdel user groupname --> To remove a user from a group.


tar cf --> file.tar file Create tar named file.tar containing file.

tar xf file.tar --> Extract the files from file.tar.

tar czf file.tar.gz files --> Create a tar with Gzip compression.

tar xzf file.tar.gz --> Extract a tar using Gzip.

tar cjf file.tar.bz2 --> Create tar with Bzip2 compression.

tar xjf file.tar.bz2 --> Extract a tar using Bzip2.

gzip file --> Compresses file and renames it to file.gz .

gzip -d file.gz --> Decompresses file.gz back to file.


ping host --> Ping host and output results.

whois domain --> Get whois information for domains.

dig domain --> Get DNS information for domain.

dig -x host --> Reverse lookup host.

wget file --> Download file.

wget -c file --> Continue a stopped download.

Git-GitHub Cheat-Sheet

*Git config
Get and set configuration variables that control all facets of how Git looks and operates.
Set the name:
git config --global "UserName"
Set the email:
git config --global ""
Check the setting:
git config global --list

*Initializing a repository

git init

*Staging files

git add file1 --> Stages a single file

git add file1 file2 --> Stages multiple files

git add . --> Stages the current directory and all its content

*Viewing the status

git status

*Committing the staged files

git commit -m “Message”

*Skipping the staging area

git commit -am “Message”

*Removing files

git rm file --> Removes from working directory and staging area

git rm --cached file --> Removes from staging area only

*Renaming or moving files

git mv file file1.txt

*Viewing the staged/unstaged changes

git diff --> Shows unstaged changes

git diff --staged --> Shows staged changes

git diff --cached --> Same as the above

*Viewing the history

git log --> Full history

git log --oneline --> Summary

git log --reverse --> Lists the commits from the oldest to the newest

*Unstaging files (undoing git add)

git restore --staged file

*Comparing commits

git diff HEAD~2 HEAD --> Shows the changes between two commits

*Viewing a commit

git show 921a2ff --> Shows the given commit

git show HEAD --> Shows the last commit

git show HEAD~2 --> Two steps before the last commit

Branching & Merging

*Managing branches

git branch dev --> Creates a new branch dev

git checkout dev --> Switches to the dev branch

git checkout -b dev --> Creates and switches to dev branch

git branch -d dev --> deletes the dev branch


git stash --> Creates a new stash

git stash list --> Lists all the stashes

git stash show stash@{1} --> Shows the given stash

git stash apply 1 --> Applies the given stash to the working dir

git stash drop 1 --> Deletes the given stash

git stash clear --> Deletes all the stashes


git merge dev --> Merges the dev branch into the current branch

git merge --squash dev --> Performs a squash merge

*Viewing the merged branches

git branch --merged --> Shows the merged branches

git branch --no-merged --> Shows the unmerged branches


git rebase master --> Changes the base of the current branch

*Cherry picking

git cherry-pick fed53ed --> Applies the given commit on the current branch


*Cloning a repository

git clone url

*Syncing with remote

git fetch origin master --> Fetches master from origin

git fetch origin --> Fetches all objects from origin

git pull --> Fetch + merge

git push origin master --> Pushes master to origin

*Managing remote

git remote --> Shows remote repos

git remote add upstream url --> Adds a new remote called upstream

git remote rm upstream --> Removes upstream

Rewriting History

*Undoing commits

git reset --soft HEAD --> Removes the last commit, keeps changes staged

git reset --mixed HEAD --> Unstages the changes as well

git reset --hard HEAD --> Discards local changes

*Reverting commits

git revert 72856ea --> Reverts the given commit

git revert HEAD~3 --> Reverts the last three commits

*Amending the last commit

git commit --amend

*Interactive rebasing

git rebase -i HEAD~5

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